Sometimes, the challenges you face may be complex and multifaceted. We recognize this complexity and provide Case Management Services. In Case Management, our counsellor will work with you to ensure all important aspects are covered for fulfilling your needs and wellbeing. This may include counselling, identifying community resources that you can benefit from, and outreaching to other agencies and different levels of government bodies to advocate on your behalf.
TOLL FREE: 1-800-263-2075 EXT. 241
LOCAL: 905-770-7040 EXT. 241

Once you are registered to our Case Management, a counsellor will meet with you for an assessment. Together, you will identify and understand your needs and goals, and develop an individual care plan. Your counsellor will use professional knowledge and network to support you every step of the way in achieving your goals and wellbeing.
Catholic Community Services of York Region (CCSYR) has been providing programs and services to culturally diverse clients and their families in York Region since 1980. As an immigrant settlement organization, it provides a wide range of services to newcomers and refugees. As a family service agency, it offers counselling and group services to help people cope with personal and relationship challenges.
CCSYR is a member agency of Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), and also a member of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto (a ShareLife funded organization), Family Services of Ontario (FSO), and Ontario Non-profit Network. It is a partner in the Settlement Education Partnership in York Region (SEPYR), the Library Settlement Partnerships (LSP), and the Welcome Centre Immigrant Services. CCSYR is accredited by Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA).
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