• ensuring that all Clients receive the same value and quality;
• allowing Clients with disabilities to do things in their own ways, at their own pace when accessing goods and services as long as this does not present a safety risk;
• using alternative methods when possible to ensure that Clients with disabilities have access to the same services, in the same place and in a similar manner;
• taking into account individual needs when providing goods and services;
• communicating in a manner that takes into account the Client’s disability.
Assistive Devices
Persons with disabilities may use their own assistive devices as required when accessing goods or services provided by CCSYR. In cases where the assistive device presents a safety concern or where accessibility might be an issue, other reasonable measures will be used to ensure the access of goods and services.
For example, open flames and oxygen tanks cannot be near one another. Therefore, the accommodation of a client with an oxygen tank may involve ensuring the client is in a location that would be considered safe for both the client and service provider.
Or, where elevators are not present and where an individual requires assistive devices for the purposes of mobility, service will be provided in a location that meets the needs of the client.
The following assistive devices are available on a first come, first serve basis and upon request. These are the assistive devices that are available: FM Systems; pocket talkers; walkers; walking canes and wheelchairs.
Guide Dogs, Service Animals and Service Dogs
A client with a disability who is accompanied by guide dog, service animal or service dog will be allowed access to premises that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law. “No pet” policies do not apply to guide dogs, service animals and/or service dogs.
A client with a disability who is accompanied by guide dog or service dog will be allowed access to food service areas that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law.
Other types of service animals are not permitted into food service areas due to the Health Protection and Promotion Act, Ontario Regulation 562 Section 60.
If a guide dog, service animal or service dog is excluded by law, CCSYR will offer alternative methods to enable the person with a disability to access goods and services, when possible (for example, securing the animal in a safe location and offering the guidance of an employee).
Support Persons
If a client with a disability is accompanied by a support person, CCSYR will ensure that both persons are allowed to enter the premises together and that the client is not prevented from having access to the support person.
There may be times where seating and availability prevent the client and support person from sitting beside each other. In these situations, CCSYR will make every reasonable attempt to resolve the issue.
In situations where confidential information might be discussed, consent will be obtained from the client, prior to any conversation where confidential information might be discussed.
If payment is required by a support person for admission to the premises CCSYR will ensure that notice is given in advance by posting notice of admission fees for support persons where CCSYR fees are posted.
Notice of Disruptions in Service
Service disruptions may occur due to reasons that may or may not be within the control or knowledge of CCSYR. In the event of any temporary disruptions to facilities or services that clients with disabilities rely on to access or use CCSYR’s goods or services, reasonable efforts will be made to provide advance notice.
In some circumstances such as in the situation of unplanned temporary disruptions, advance notice may not be possible.
In the event that a notification needs to be posted the following information will be included unless it is not readily available or known: goods or services that are disrupted or unavailable; reason for the disruption; anticipated duration; a description of alternative services or options.
When disruptions occur CCSYR will provide notice by: posting notices in conspicuous places including at the point of disruption, at the main entrance and the nearest accessible entrance to the service disruption and/or on the CCSYR website; clients with appointments
will receive a phone call from a CCSYR staff when they are making a reservation or appointment; or by any other method that may be reasonable under the circumstances.
Feedback Process
Clients can submit their feedback to:
Asfandyar Rana, Human Resources Generalist 21 Dunlop Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 2M6 Phone/TTY: (905) 770-7040, 1-800-263-2075 Website: www.ccsyr.org
Clients who provide formal feedback will receive acknowledgement of their feedback, along with any resulting actions based on concerns or complaints that were submitted.